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Our Journey Is the One We Will Write Together

We wrote the first chapter. Together, let's write the next ones.

a image for a financial district

What is OpenFinity About?

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Whether you're seeking to navigate regulatory changes, explore new technologies, or simply expand your professional network, OpenFinity is your gateway.

Here, you can leverage Slack for dynamic discussions, gain insights from top-tier courses and webinars, and access a rich repository of knowledge.

Crafted from the ground up to address the pressing needs of financial professionals and institutions, OpenFinity is more than a platform—it's a movement. OpenFinity is open to all contributors of the financial ecosystem, whether you are just starting your career or a C-suite executive. We are committed to keep a "no vendor pitch" policy, ensuring that every session is focused on delivering valuable, vendor-neutral knowledge.


Passion Is Contagious! 

When we began pioneering the Open Banking market in North America in 2021, we engaged with numerous banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions and discovered that the majority sought help and guidance on various issues, from implementing consent management to eliminating screen scraping to building business cases. 


We realized the community lacked a central resource for answers. OpenFinity was born out from that simple observation, aiming to assist financial institutions in embracing and expanding within the open financial ecosystem that began in Europe in 2016, and is now spreading globally, including North America.

Meet the Founders

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